DEJOY\WOS Family Foundation Supports the Supreme Court Historical Society & The DACOR Bacon House Foundation
The DEJOY\WOS Family Foundation was a “Founding Friend Sponsor” of the Supreme Court Historical Society and the Historic DACOR Bacon House event, which was held on November 16, 2022. The dinner event featured patriotic philanthropist, author, speaker, and television host, David M. Rubenstein who moderated a discussion with Marshall biographer, Fromm Professor of International Law, Joel Richard Paul, and Former U.S. Solicitor General, The Honorable Theodore B. Olson.
The Friends of the Historic DACOR Bacon House was established in 2021 to support the preservation of a singularly unique house – not only a respected center for the study and furtherance of American diplomacy, but a monument to a close and continuing connection to the Supreme Court. Originally built in 1825, the DACOR Bacon House is an outstanding example of Federal period architecture, one of only a few in the President’s Neighborhood.